31 Aralık 2011 Cumartesi

this is not an invitation to rape me

 bir arkadaşıma siteyi gösterirken sorularını görüp yanıtladım ve malesef hiç yanılmadım.


keşke yanılsaydım, gördüğünüz gibi türkiye veya iskoçya değişmiyor, olan hep aynı... neyse artık tecavüzün en yakınlardan geldiğini söylediğimde kimse atıyorsun demez, birinin kişisel alanınıza girmesine izin verdiğiniz oranda tecavüze uğrama riskiniz artıyor. tehlike sokakta eli sikinde gezen sapık değil, tehlike çok daha yakınınızda...

 do you know?

in what proportion of rapes is the assailant a stranger?

correct! the answer is 8%

what percentage of rapes are carried out by partners or former partners?

correct! the answer is 54%

in which year did scots law criminalize rape within marriage? (bunu sallamıştım, daha doğrusu ummuştum, bu da tuttu.)

correct! the answer is 1989

in a 2005 poll for amnesty what percentage of people said that a woman was partially or totally responsible for being raped if she was drunk?

correct! the answer is 28%

in a survey carried out in february 2008 for the scottish government, what percentage of people in scotland said a woman may be to blame for being raped if she was wearing revealing clothing?

correct! the answer is 27%

in a 2005 survey for amnesty, what percentage of people said a woman was partly to blame for being raped if she had previously flirted with a man?

correct! the answer is 34%


(18.04.2011 13:24)

+bu kampanyanın sadece kadınlar için olduğunu düşünenlere tokat gibi cevap:

"i wish that i had known this all before. he told me that it wasn't rape because i was obviously aroused. they said i deserved it because i'd led him on. i blamed myself so much and for so long i let it happen again and again.
alexander, male"

(18.04.2011 13:34)

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